Dr. Richard Danel

Dr. Richard Danel is the chairman of the Magnesium Health Institute. He travels worldwide to conduct and oversee research on the use of magnesium and the consequences of magnesium deficiency.

Dr. Danel advises Halomedics on the treatments they offer.

At Halomedics, you can effectively restore and maintain your magnesium levels.

Magnesium Inhalation

Magnesium therapy is an innovative treatment to supplement your magnesium levels. During a 20-minute session in a special cabin, you inhale fine magnesium particles that penetrate deep into the respiratory system and are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Experience the beneficial effects of magnesium on your body.

icoon Verbeterde Bloeddoorstroming

Improved blood flow

Icoon Bronchusverwijdend


icoon Ontstekingsremmend


In everything you do in life, you need magnesium. From blinking your eyes to running a marathon.

Why Magnesium

In everything you do in life, you need magnesium. From blinking your eyes to running a marathon.

There is growing awareness of the enormous importance of magnesium for our health. This awareness is increasing as more scientific research is conducted. There is also a growing realization that many medications have natural alternatives (without side effects).

In many hospitals both domestically and internationally, research is being conducted on the importance of maintaining a good magnesium status and the consequences of a (chronically) low magnesium balance in the body. What is striking here is that it is becoming clear that many people with chronic conditions have low magnesium levels. This includes conditions such as type 2 diabetes, arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis, and memory issues. See also www.halomedics.nl/conditions.

Our food contains less and less magnesium. The soil is becoming more acidic, which means plants can absorb less magnesium. During times of stress, vigorous exercise, pregnancy, medication use, and menopause, we use more magnesium. Our body does not produce magnesium on its own; it must be supplied externally.


Symptomen magnesiumgebrek

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

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Hogere magnesiumbehoefte

Higher magnesium requirement

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Opname via de huid

Absorption through the skin

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De Zechstein Zee

The Zechstein Sea

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Treatment Methods

Magnesium Inhalation

Anyone who inhales medications knows that the side effects are the same as when taken orally. This says a lot about absorption through the lungs. Inhalation through the lungs is therefore a great way to administer a substance that the body needs. When you inhale magnesium, it enters the bloodstream through the lungs, affecting your entire system.

Lungs are an excellent gateway to add healthy substances/minerals to the body. By treating the lungs, you treat the entire system!

Inhaling magnesium is the best and most effective way to absorb magnesium into your body. You spend 20 minutes in a cabin where very fine magnesium particles are dispersed into the air. By inhaling, magnesium reaches deep into the airways and into the bloodstream, where it can be quickly absorbed by the body.

Transdermal Magnesium Absorption

Research has shown that magnesium can also be effectively absorbed through the skin (transdermally).

Another significant advantage is that it spares the gastrointestinal tract. Magnesium chloride solution can be applied directly to the affected area, providing relief locally. Think of conditions such as psoriasis, osteoarthritis, muscle pain and cramps, restless legs syndrome, during or after sports activities, and during pregnancies.

The products we offer for this purpose include magnesium oil, magnesium gel, and magnesium flakes for use in baths or foot baths.

The combination of Halotherapy (inhalation of minute salt particles) with inhalation of minute magnesium particles is a powerful combination for people with skin and respiratory issues.

We will work with you to develop a plan that is optimal for your health.

Effect on the Body

Inhaling magnesium has a tremendously beneficial effect on the lungs.

  • Improves blood circulation
  • Dilates the bronchi
  • Enhances the function of cilia. Cilia in the airways transport contaminated mucus from the trachea to the oral cavity, where it is then expelled or swallowed.
  • Has anti-inflammatory effects
  • Thins secretions and mucus, making it easier to remove from the lungs
  • Facilitates easier expectoration
  • Reduces the urge to cough
  • Magnesium inhalation helps keep the lining of the trachea moist and healthy
  • Moisturizes and humidifies the mouth, throat, and nasal passages
  • Magnesium inhalation promotes healthier gums
  • Rapid action at the targeted site; the active ingredient reaches the affected tissue immediately
  • Assists in improving sports performance; quicker recovery means faster return to sports. Additionally, it has a cleansing effect on the airways, which is crucial for athletes. See also www.halomedics.nl halotherapy/sports-performance-enhancement
  • No side effects
  • More breath!
  • Another additional benefit is that it spares the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Magnesium regulates the entire metabolism and influences all levels of our body
  • Magnesium is not the only important mineral, but it plays a key role in coordinating all other mineral substances.
  • Many other substances depend on magnesium

Where does the magnesium come from?

The magnesium we use is the purest magnesium available. Companies from around the world source this magnesium from here, and it's amazing that it comes from our own country.

The magnesium is extracted in Tripscompagnie! This is a town near Veendam. Something to be proud of!

Deep beneath the Earth's surface lies the Zechstein Sea, a primeval sea that formed approximately 250 million years ago in the northern part of Europe and has since dried up. The magnesium crystals are brought up from the sea bed at a depth of 1600 meters. Large pipes are inserted into the ground, where clear water is injected deep underground. Deep underground, the Earth heats the water. (at 1600 meters depth it is 70 degrees) The warm water dissolves the magnesium, which is then sucked up through another pipe and transported to the surface. Zechstein magnesium chloride is purified magnesium and is therefore free of toxins. No fillers or preservatives are added to the magnesium, unlike in most pills and capsules.

Contraindications for Magnesium Inhalation

In several cases, magnesium inhalation is not recommended:

  • Fever
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the 3rd or 4th stage (consultation with a general practitioner or specialist may be necessary.)
  • Heart failure; slow heart rate, consult with a doctor if unsure.
  • Kidney problems, consult with a doctor.
  • Intoxication
  • Coughing up blood
  • Epilepsy
  • Severe shortness of breath
  • Vague and severe bodily complaints without a diagnosis
  • Tumors (only in consultation with your treating physician)
  • Neurological problems
  • People with severe liver problems
  • People with chronically inflamed intestines, consult with a doctor
  • Magnesium inhalation can be performed from the age of 12 years onwards.