Multiwave Oscillator Rental
Always the newest type of Multiwave Oscillator for rent.
Leave your details via this form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
1 month 500,-
Multiwave oscillator 220/240, 2 lakhovsky antennas, set of cables
2 months 950,-
Multiwave oscillator 220/240, 2 lakhovsky antennas, set of cables
3 months 1400,-
Multiwave oscillator 220/240, 2 lakhovsky antennas, set of cables
Extra rental options:
Rife tube orange + multiwave oscillator cushion (must be used together) 150,-
Rife Phanotron 60 – 225,-
2 multiwave oscillator cushions 50,-
Rent/purchase options:
Enthusiastic? If you decide to purchase within 10 days after the start of the rental period, you will receive 100% of the rent back. Do you decide to purchase after 10 days? Then you will receive 50% of the rental amount back.
On request you will receive a personal lease plan.
Free multiwave oscillator training
If you purchase a multiwave oscillator from us, you will receive a free training from us. We will teach you all the tips and tricks to use the multiwave oscillator as professionally as possible.