Fibromyalgia is a form of soft tissue rheumatism. This condition is characterized by pain in the entire musculoskeletal system. This type of rheumatism affects the muscles and connective tissue. Symptoms that may occur include morning stiffness, fatigue, headaches, neck pain, and sleep disturbances. Despite extensive research, the exact cause of fibromyalgia has not been proven. However, it has been found that people with fibromyalgia have difficulty reaching deep sleep. Additionally, the immune system may play a role in the condition of fibromyalgia. However, further research is still needed.

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In conditions like fibromyalgia, where medication can be problematic, a simple magnesium therapy can be very effective. Inhaling magnesium ensures excellent absorption into the body, working effectively from within. Magnesium is adept at restoring balance in disrupted systems. It can help relax muscles and has a resilience-enhancing effect.
Applying magnesium gel or magnesium oil to painful areas also works very effectively and provides immediate pain relief.

Magnesium restores!

Recommended Sessions

Magnesium inhalation 1 to 2 times per week for 2 to 3 months
It is recommended to also use magnesium at home via transdermal absorption (absorption through the skin)