Magnesium Inhalation and Depression / Mood Swings

People with depression constantly experience a melancholic mood. This mood lasts longer than two weeks and does not go away on its own. There are different types of depression, with varying levels of severity. Depression is common, affecting about 1 in 20 people in the Netherlands. There are several causes for developing depression, including:

  • genetic factors, hereditary predisposition
  • social-environmental factors, such as the death of a loved one
  • cognitive causes; negative experiences in youth
  • hormonal imbalance
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Scientists have shown that depression / mood swings may be associated with a chronic magnesium deficiency.
In principle, magnesium works similarly to traditional antidepressants. Magnesium increases serotonin levels in the brain (without side effects). Serotonin promotes a better mood / feeling of happiness.
Before starting regular medication, you may want to consider whether magnesium inhalation could be beneficial for you.

Recommended Sessions

The Magnesium Clinic recommends using magnesium inhalation 1 to 2 times per week. We advise you to do this for 2 months and then assess the effects for you. During and after these 2 months, we will evaluate together with you and, if desired, plan a follow-up course of action.
It is also recommended to use magnesium through transdermal absorption (absorption through the skin) at home.