Halotherapy and Hay Fever

Someone with hay fever reacts hypersensitively to pollen from certain grasses, plants, and trees that are in bloom. This pollen is better known as allergens. Pollen floats through the air during specific times of the year and is inhaled.

Hay fever occurs because the immune system is somewhat confused. An allergic reaction to pollen irritates mucous membranes, especially those in the nasal cavity, throat, and eyes. Histamine is released during the immune system's response, which is the cause of the symptoms. Salt is a natural antihistamine.

Symptoms that occur include: itchy nose, frequent sneezing, blocked nose/runny nose, itchy eyes, burning eyes, dry throat, and frequent coughing. Hay fever is very bothersome but harmless.

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Treatment in the salt chamber helps reduce allergic reactions in hay fever patients, boosts resistance, and improves respiratory capacity.

Salt Purifies!

Recommended sessions:
Preventively before the start of hay fever season or at the first signs, 5-10 sessions with possible follow-up sessions.